
  • A&S's Satisfied Customer Guarantee

    We ensure that every sale and interaction is ethical, truthful and is made in the customers best interest.

    We will always aim to go above and beyond for athe needs of our customers.

    After all, our customers aren't just customers to us, they're part of the A&S family

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  • Expert Advice

    Why waste your time with competitors who claim themselves to be the 'jack of all trades and the master of none'

    As our experience in the welding and electrical supply and repair industry stretches across two decades, we are well-positioned to provide you with personalised advice, and as a small business, we prioritise you and your needs rather as an individual rather than chasing every last dollar.  

    Simply message us using our 24/7 live-chat, via email using the contact button below or via telephone @ (02) 9729 1127 during business hours.

    Contact Us 
  • See it in person?

    Prefer a hands-on shopping experience? Our storefront in Smithfield is open and excited to welcome you to a unique, personal shopping experience catered specifically to you. 

    If we aren't close enough for you to travel, feel free to use our live-chat, contact-page or call us via telephone should you need the help from a kind, empathetic team business that specialises in going above and beyond to meet any of your welding and electrical needs, ranging from both repair to supply. 

    Visit us